Publishing Video Online Still Hasn't Gone Mainstream

Turns out that the vast majority of “users” who “generate” video content don’t share it online (via MediaPost):

IN A FINDING THAT UNDERSCORES the potential of a vast, untapped market for user-generated video, new research conducted by interactive agency Sharpe Partners indicates that more than half (54) percent of adult Internet users currently create their own video offline, but only 11 percent actually upload it to the Internet. That margin, says Sharpe, represents a significant opportunity for software and system providers to help facilitate the migration of a burgeoning consumer generated video marketplace online

One of the chief reasons for the disparity between producing and posting video is the difficulty consumers said they have with the process. The study, which was conducted online by Harris Interactive, surveyed 2,125 U.S. adults between June 29 and July 2, and found that more than two-thirds of those who create their own video found it difficult to edit their content due to the lack of consumer-friendly software.

Where’s Web 2.0 when you need it? Isn’t this what the online application revolution is supposed to address? These are pretty darn surprising statistics in a post YouTube world where sharing video is supposed to be as easy as turning on your computer.

Or maybe it’s not that surprising — most people still haven’t heard about revolution, and they still don’t have the time or wherewithal to generate content online. They don’t wake up in the morning and think, oh my god, I’ve got to SHARE!

And what’s with this hype — “burgeoning consumer generated video marketplace.” People have been shooting home movies for decades.

Speaking of user generated online video, I haven’t seen any stats on YouTube’s traffic/video streams since Google gobbled them and they started taking down all of that copyrighted material. Has anybody seen any stats?