Newsweek's Haditha Euphemism

I generally don’t do politics here, but this is media-related. The headline for Newsweek’s June 12, 2006 issue reads:

The Haditha Question
For U.S. Soldiers on the Front Lines in Iraq, Where Is the Line Between Self-Defense and Shame?


Shame is using a photo of massacred civilians on your cover and not having the courage to use the proper term: war crimes.

Maybe that’s why the image of the Newsweek cover on their website is too small to read the text.

At least Newsweek’s Conventional WisdomWatch in the same issue got it right:

The last thing White House wanted was to relive Vietnam. Now it has its own My Lai. Really tragic.

“War crimes” are still being investigated. “Tragedy” — well, that’s written all over.