Web 2.0 Needs Marketing 2.0
1 min read

Web 2.0 Needs Marketing 2.0

A great synthesis of 2.0 thinking on new marketing paradigms for social media from, no, not a blogger or Web 2.0 evangalist, but from the president of OLD Market Research company Yankelovich Partners:

These days, the best way to get people’s attention is not to engage consumers with a brand, but to host or facilitate a context for people to engage with one another. People don’t want to see ads; they want to see their friends. And while they’re doing so, they’ll do business as well.


Social engagement is the next big thing for the entire marketplace. In this age of consumer resistance, people are avoiding brands while seeking one another. Brands must shift away from the single-minded focus on engaging consumers and instead become adept at enabling people to engage with each other.

If Web 2.0 is going to make any money, it needs to pursue these new marketing paradigms and not just depend on Old Media models like selling ads — even Google AdWords feels like its Marketing 1.2 at best.

Here’s Umair Haque on Marketing 2.0:

The challenge, of course, is for geeks to understand that it’s exactly this value equation they should be disrupting, not ignoring: making marketing, branding, advertising not evil.

That they’re evil doesn’t mean you should ignore them – it means you should be destroying them and then redefining them: making them less about Madison Ave and BuzzAgent, and more about the deep 2.0 principles that in fact, are revolutionizing the deep economics of many industries – principles like peer production, gift economies, sharing, transparency, social capital, anticonsumption, and deep culture.